Master Song List

This is a list of all the songs we would like to know or do this year.  It is an evolving list, so it will change as the year goes on.
A * means that we haven't done the song before but we should...

40  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
All in All  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Amazing Love  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Arise My Soul Arise  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Arms of Love  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
As the Deer  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Awesome is the Sight  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Be Still and Know  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Break My Heart  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
* Break Our Hearts  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Better is One Day  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
* Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Create in Me a Clean Heart  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
* Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
* Every Move I Make  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
* God of Wonders  -  lyrics | chords | mp3  -  This song is the bomb!!
Holiness  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
I Believe  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
In the Secret  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
It's All About You  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
It's Your Kindness  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Let it Rise  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
* Let the River Flow  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Light the Fire  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Lord I Lift Your Name on High  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
* Lord Reign in Me  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Lord You are Beautiful   -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Lord You Have My Heart  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
* Make a Joyful Noise  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Maker of My Heart  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
More Love  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
My Life is in You Lord  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
My Sister and My Brother  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Open the Eyes of My Heart  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Praise Song  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Prince of Peace  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Refiners Fire  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Salvation Belongs to Our God  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Sanctuary  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Shield About Me  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Shout to the Lord  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Show Your Power  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
* Set Me on Fire   -  lyrics | chords | mp3  -  We just did this song, but the mp3 is worth checking out
Step by Step  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Sweet Mercies  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
The Heart of Worship  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
The Joy  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
* Trading My Sorrows  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
* We Are Hungry  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
* We Fall Down  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
We Come to Praise You  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
We Have Come to Worship You   -  lyrics | chords | mp3
Where Do I Go  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
You Are My Rock  -  lyrics | chords | mp3
You're Worthy of My Praise  -  lyrics | chords | mp3